Why renew your membership with APAP? Here are 5 ways we help you survive and thrive.
Not just an annual conference, APAP is living more fully in our service mission than ever before and working hard to help the field build back stronger and prepare for a more sustainable, collective future where we all thrive.
Our strength is our membership. Join our community today by becoming a member!
Here are the many ways you can survive and thrive through APAP:
- APAP connects you to your peers through ongoing networking and affinity groups, monthly members-only check-ins, and online tools.
- APAP helps you grow by providing funding opportunities, professional development, the APAP Live Performance Calendar and the APAP Job Bank.
- APAP keeps you informed about APAP programs and services through our bi-weekly membership newsletter and through timely advocacy alerts, urgent field updates, and more.
- APAP gives you access to the greatest community of performing arts professionals through our annual conference and year-round opportunities.
- Plus, your membership dues directly underwrite APAP’s work advocating for and supporting the field.
Renew Your Membership
Renew your APAP membership online here! To get started, please log in to your APAP account and click on the "Renew" button which will appear below when you are logged in. If you need help logging in, please reach out to a membership team member at info@apap365.org.
Not paying with a credit card and need to renew offline? Please mail a completed membership renewal form to our mailing address with your live check or ACH information attached/enclosed.
If you have questions, please call the APAP Membership team at 202.833.2787 or you can email info@apap365.org.
Please note that all individuals and organizations who renew must agree to the Membership Terms of Agreement as a condition of membership.